
Work Streams

KPP envisages producing and disseminating high quality research and analysis products - sharing Indian and global evidence on policies that impact development outcomes and supporting advocacy towards strengthening policy design and implementation. KPP is designed to incubate four major work streams that are nationally-focused but have the potential to be developed into India-Global activity, namely i) Food Security, Resource Scarcity & Climate Change, ii) Trade & Investment, iii) Health, Nutrition & Disease Control, iv) Women & Girls and v) Significant studies which do not fall into either one of these workstreams or are across multiple workstreams are grouped under the fifth head i.e. 'Development Effectiveness'.

  • Food
  • Health
  • Trade
  • Women
  • Dev Eff
Food Security, Resource Scarcity and Climate Change

KPP strives to build global public goods and share India’s lessons and expertise, in order to help LICs to strengthen their approaches to food and nutrition security; and manage resources more efficiently at the food-water-energy nexus. Areas of knowledge partnership include:

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Health and Disease Control

KPP would generate high-quality evidence and research-based knowledge products and strategic pieces around the Health Stream which would enable stakeholders and policy makers to make informed decisions and potentially influence their national legal and institutional environment, thus creating an impact on the global footprint in the health development sector. Some of the likely sub-themes are:

  • Health Technology
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Private Health Sector
  • Global Disease burden
  • Nutrition

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Trade and Investment

KPP to be used as a strategic instrument to find and respond to the entry points to engage with the poverty reduction potential of India's global trade and investment footprint, especially in low-income countries (LICs). Some of the likely sub-themes are:

  • India's Trade with Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
  • India's FDI in Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
  • India's Aid to Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

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Women and Girls

KPP hopes to substantially influence key policy outcomes in the social and economic sectors, which impacts the lives of women and girls, in India and globally. It further aims at leveraging policies that have worked successfully in India, in LICs. Some of the likely sub-themes are:

  • Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)
  • Girls' Education
  • Women and Work
  • Political Participation

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Development Effectiveness

This workstream covers the various responsive and / or cross-sectoral studies / research taken up under the KPP. Its purpose is to complement the four areas and respond to specific requests by countries for learning from India. The scope of work done under this covers a wide breadth including:

  • Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) related
  • Knowledge exchange and learning visits from / to India
  • Human Development Indicators and trends
  • Rights and Entitlements based approach
  • Fiscal Accountability and tax reforms
  • Any other area of work which is not included in the earlier 4 workstreams

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